Corporate responsibility (CR) at Schill + Seilacher stands for a holistic approach in terms of our social responsibility. We focus specifically on sustainability, compliance, H&S, environmental protection, highest quality standards, and a number of additional voluntary commitments.

  • Our philosophy and corporate action respects and reflects the well-known fundametal principles contained in the UNGC, ILO and OEDC guidelines for multinational corporations.
  • Our code of conduct defines guidelines for behaviour among our colleagues, as well as with our business partners.
  • These guidelines are in line with internationally recognized ethical principles (business ethics).
  • As manufacturer of chemical / technical products, we voluntarily obligate to the contents of the "Responsible Care" initiative of the chemical industry
  • We fully comply with all legal requirements and directives pertaining to our activities, and periodically audit compliance.
  • Among the main concerns of Schill & Seilacher are HSE (health, safety and the environment) beyond our own product and process chain.
  • Sustainability, responsible thinking and actions, awareness in the handling of natural resources for the protection of future generations have particular importance for us as a corporation.
  • Our company is certified in compliance with the quality standards enshrined in ISO 9001 DQS. We are furthermore committed to continuously improve our already very high level of quality in terms of products and services.


  • Our model for success, tried and tested over many years in business, is characterised by a high level of cooperation with and satisfaction of our clients, their trust and partnership, as well as our ability for innovation.
  • We know and understand relevant markets and industries, and can rely on our global sales and service network to recognize trends on the world market early, and adapt accordingly.
  • Our many years of practical experience in all business areas of the industries for leather, textiles, chemical fibres, paper, cosmetics & higiene as well as the specialist chemicals industry have provided us with an unfailing ability to address customer requirements in a quick and target-oriented manner.
  • We focus on practical consulting and the ability to provide experienced technicians for on-site client support at their own facilities for troubleshooting.
  • Our partners are integrated into development projects at an early stage, which results in significantly less time spent on development at the client location and their customers. We see ourselves as an 'extended workbench' for our customers.
  • Our customers know and appreciate our excellent service portfolio, our ability for innovation and expertise for sustainable development, deployment and application of new products and technologies.
  • Our close cooperation with our clients in the spirit of partnership ensures our continued competitive edge in the market.


Today, about 900 employees worldwide stand behind the success of the foundation-owned Schill + Seilacher group. Traditional values and investments, guaranteed through a high degree of research and development activities, secure our dynamic growth.

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