
Weich sollen sie sein, unsere Lederjacken. Noch weicher am besten. Und bei Regen wollen wir darauf vertrauen, dass das Leder wasserabweisend ist. Außerdem fahren wir gerne Motorrad, gehen abends auch mal in einen Club, und eine farbenfrohe Lederjacke ist für viele Frauen auch ein praktisches und schmückendes Stück Garderobe.

Superweich und wasserabweisend, das sind gleich zwei der Spezialitäten von Schill + Seilacher. Damit haben wir vor 140 Jahren angefangen, und da macht uns keiner so schnell etwas vor. Mit unseren natürlichen Fettungsmitteln der Marke Lipsol und Perfectol wird jedes Stück Bekleidung aus Leder zum Lieblingstück. Und nicht nur für eine Saison!

Aglutan SO NEW

Composition: Proteolytic enzymes standardized with organic carriers
Active Substance: -
Charge: -
pH: -
Appearance: Beige powder
Short Description: Acid bating agent, especially suitable for reducing pickle folds and to reduce wrinkles on wet blue stock. Results in a cleaner, softer grain on irregular-fibre skins such as goat and pigskins.

Pristolamin TA

Composition: Amphoteric derivatives of fatty acids
Active Substance: 53 -57 %
Charge: amphoteric
pH: 8,0 - 10,0
Appearance: Yellowish, viscous, slightly turbid liquid
Short Description: Emulsifying system with excellent chrome-stability and masking effect for optimum distribution of chrome and natural fat. Improves tear strength and dye levelling.

Silastol E

Composition: Anionic emulsifying agent
Active Substance: 26 - 30 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 5,0 - 9,0
Appearance: Colourless to light yellowish, clear liquid
Short Description: Soaking auxiliaries for leather. Provides an easy rewetting of wet-blue. Excellent degreasing, wetting and washing agents for furs, double face sheepskins and wool.

Silastol E7

Composition: Nonionic emulsifying agent
Active Substance: 67 - 71 %
Charge: nonionic
pH: 5,0 - 8,0
Appearance: Colourless, light yellow, clear liquid
Short Description: Surfactant and emulsifying agent for soaking, liming and degreasing of pelts, based on sustainable raw materials. Low foaming.

Silastol EC

Composition: Nonionic emulsifying agent
Active Substance: 88 - 92 %
Charge: nonionic
pH: 5,0 - 8,0
Appearance: Colourless , light yellowish, clear liquid
Short Description: Surfactant and emulsifying agent for soaking, liming and degreasing of pelts, based on sustainable raw materials. Low foam formation compared to other tensides.

Silastol ELN

Composition: Anionic and nonionic emulsifiers
Active Substance: 48 - 52 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 5,0 - 8,0
Appearance: Yellowish, slightly turbid liquid
Short Description: Soaking auxiliary for non fogging leather. Degreasing, wetting and washing agent for furs. Universally applicable with good bio-degradability.

Silastol R226

Composition: Mixture of alkanesulphonates
Active Substance: 28 - 32 %
Charge: anionic
pH: 6,0 - 8,0
Appearance: Yellowish, clear to slightly turbid liquid
Short Description: Leather auxiliary especially designed for use on vegetable tanned or pretanned leathers due to its anionic character. Promotes uniform and intensified dyeing.

Aglutan PR

Composition: Soaking / Liming auxiliary for cleaner pelts with integrated buffering system. Reduces shoulder and belly draw, resulting in improved area yield. Results in clean,flat and light colour pelts
Composition: Compounded proteases
Active Substance: > 98 %
Charge: Anionic
pH: 9.5 - 10.5
Appearance: Light beige powder
Short Description: Soaking / Liming auxiliary for cleaner pelts with integrated buffering system. Reduces shoulder and belly draw, resulting in improved area yield. Results in clean, flat and light colour pelts.

Vinkol LBA NEW

Composition: Derivatives of phosphonic acids in aqueous solution
Active Substance: -
Charge: -
pH: 0,5 - 1,5
Appearance: Clear, colourless to yellowish liquid
Short Description: Special product for the beamhouse to prevent lime-blast and remove existing lime blast. Strong complexing agent for calcium